Implementing Linked Lists in C
/*this is a described program to implement Smple LL
***inserting from the end and deleting from the begining & displaying***
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// ***defining the node***
struct node
// creating data structure Node
int data; // data type of the node-data
struct node *link; // pointer of the same node - points only to the defined data type
struct node *START = NULL; /* before creating the 1 st node the */START pointer is null
// ***creating a node***
struct node *createNode() // returning type - struct node
struct node *n;
n = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
// malloc finction is to allocating space for the creating node // (data_type*)malloc(sizeof(data_type));
// allocating 2 variables of size 2
return (n);
// returning the memory address of newly created node
//***inserting a node to the end***
void insertNode()
struct node *temp, *t;
temp = createNode();
/* getting the output(newly created node address) of the createNode method*/
printf("Insert a data for node :: ");
scanf("%d", &temp->data);
// data will be inserted to the newly created node
temp->link = NULL;
// newly created node's pointer will be NULL
// when it is the first node of the list
START = temp;
else // when it is not the first node of the list
t = START;
while(t->link != NULL)
/* untill it comes to the newly created node which pointer is NULL*/
t = t->link;
// if this expired 't' will get the address of last node
t->link = temp;
/* then the pointer of the last node which is NULL will get the address of newly created node*/
printf("Inserted element is %d\n", temp->data);
//***displying the values of the node***
void displayNode()
struct node *t;
t = START;
printf("List is Empty! \n");
printf("Elements in the list are :: ");
while(t != NULL) // when START != NULL
printf("%d\t", t->data); // printing DATA of the list
t = t->link;
/* incrementing link address till it becomes NULL*/
//***deleting nodes from the begining of the list***
void deleteNode()
printf("List is Empty! \n");
struct node *r;
r = START;
printf("Deleted node is %d \n", START->data);
START = START->link; // START will get the address of the next node
free(r); // free the space of the removed node
int main()
int ch;
printf("\n\n1.insert node\n");
printf("2.display node\n");
printf("3.delete node\n");
printf("Enter choice :: ");
scanf("%d", &ch);
case(1) : insertNode(); break;
case(2) : displayNode(); break;
case(3) : deleteNode(); break;
case(4) : exit(1); break; // exit(1); is a inbuilt command to exit the program
default : printf("invalid choice\n");
return 0;
***inserting from the end and deleting from the begining & displaying***
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// ***defining the node***
struct node
// creating data structure Node
int data; // data type of the node-data
struct node *link; // pointer of the same node - points only to the defined data type
struct node *START = NULL; /* before creating the 1 st node the */START pointer is null
// ***creating a node***
struct node *createNode() // returning type - struct node
struct node *n;
n = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
// malloc finction is to allocating space for the creating node // (data_type*)malloc(sizeof(data_type));
// allocating 2 variables of size 2
return (n);
// returning the memory address of newly created node
//***inserting a node to the end***
void insertNode()
struct node *temp, *t;
temp = createNode();
/* getting the output(newly created node address) of the createNode method*/
printf("Insert a data for node :: ");
scanf("%d", &temp->data);
// data will be inserted to the newly created node
temp->link = NULL;
// newly created node's pointer will be NULL
// when it is the first node of the list
START = temp;
else // when it is not the first node of the list
t = START;
while(t->link != NULL)
/* untill it comes to the newly created node which pointer is NULL*/
t = t->link;
// if this expired 't' will get the address of last node
t->link = temp;
/* then the pointer of the last node which is NULL will get the address of newly created node*/
printf("Inserted element is %d\n", temp->data);
//***displying the values of the node***
void displayNode()
struct node *t;
t = START;
printf("List is Empty! \n");
printf("Elements in the list are :: ");
while(t != NULL) // when START != NULL
printf("%d\t", t->data); // printing DATA of the list
t = t->link;
/* incrementing link address till it becomes NULL*/
//***deleting nodes from the begining of the list***
void deleteNode()
printf("List is Empty! \n");
struct node *r;
r = START;
printf("Deleted node is %d \n", START->data);
START = START->link; // START will get the address of the next node
free(r); // free the space of the removed node
int main()
int ch;
printf("\n\n1.insert node\n");
printf("2.display node\n");
printf("3.delete node\n");
printf("Enter choice :: ");
scanf("%d", &ch);
case(1) : insertNode(); break;
case(2) : displayNode(); break;
case(3) : deleteNode(); break;
case(4) : exit(1); break; // exit(1); is a inbuilt command to exit the program
default : printf("invalid choice\n");
return 0;
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